Friday, April 21, 2017

Dog Tags

In my book today i read about 20 pages and they were pretty good. In my book the main character found a german controlled town and found american prisoners. Then he went in to town and hid behind a tree and saw some german soldiers. He was afraid to interfere because he could have died and then they left.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Dog Tags

Hello my name is Cesar Suarez and im going to make a summary of the book I read Dog Tags. So today i read about the boy and his dog Dash are at a army base camp and he was looking for answers on wear his brother is because he had found out his brother went missing during war so he finds a man of does paper work on people who die and go missing so he approached the man and asked him about his brother but it turns out his brother is a deserter and not missing so the boy starts panicking because he didn't think his brother was a coward.